Additives for cooling and steam systems

Anafa has been specializing in refrigeration systems for 28 years.

Anafa manufactures all materials for wastewater and anti-algae and scale treatment in collaboration with a European company that specializes in the field.

Treatment of scale for cooling towers and boosters:

  • LG-20 without foam
  • LGR scale - especially for cooling towers and steam boilers
  • Sporkil - materials for algae treatments
  • Virokil - materials for algae treatments

Anafa has developed unique materials to prevent algae and corrosion:

Each algae has different properties and a material that suits the specific properties must be adapted to it. 
How do you know which algae is and how to treat it?

  1. First stage - a representative from Anafa arrives at the area for a consultation and examination meeting at no cost
  2. Second stage - build a characterization tailored to the need
  3. Third stage - assimilation in the field

Produce a fit for different needs
in the world of industry
and technology.

Produce a fit for different needs in the world of industry and technology.

We have accumulated rich experience in creating creative solutions, in producing materials specific to customers and in locating materials and chemicals that are suitable for industry in Israel.

Let's talk

We provide consulting that ends in solutions, streamlines the process and produces savings in the production process.
